Jun 24 2016

12 REASONS WHY making a mammoth decision at least once in a lifetime, leaving your current comfortable life and taking time off to do a road trip, is the best decision you will ever make.

A day at Work in Katmandu

1. Why? Because you can. It’s a fact! No one can tell you NO!!!! It’s your decision!!! Parents, siblings, boss, even the bank manager, YOU CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!

We became the sight!!!

2. You will know the amazing feeling of freedom of spirit for a whole year. It makes you creative, insightful, humble. You can see and touch the simple luxuries of the planet, let alone experience it daily. Single tasking is enormously satisfying. Just try it…

3. The economy of scale. 99% of the time traveling in a car with your own accommodation will save you money from your life style you have today. Yes, it’s cheaper to live on the road.

She is gone on the wild side

4. You get to live a great adventure and you will have a great story to tell.

5. Yes, you meet new people every day in your job but when you’re traveling you actually meet people in their culture, with their families and environment and you understand more about the humanity of our great planet.

Geting the dinner ready!!!

Simple and Tasty Breakfast6. Fruits of the lands. It’s amazing to be able to buy in season, straight from the producer, fresh produce when traveling through amazing countries. Just ask us how cheap the raspberries in Georgia were. We had so many that we had to make Fresh Raspberry Jam. Just luxurious.

7. You get to experience something new every day, you never get bored. You reconnect with all your senses: listening, smelling, touching, eating and seeing. Εvery sense gets excited daily.

8. It’s fun, you laugh more than ever. Take life as it comes; you just have to laugh… It’s the best medicine and my favorite thing to do. Even when life gets tough, a smile will help you learn and get through it.

9. Take a history lesson, the best classroom you will ever have.  “The planet is the best history book you can ever read & experience… and the best part is the chapters never end!!”

Invitation for Breakfast

10. Create your own history. Do something different, be silly, be adventurous, live life, be the movie star in your own life movie.

11. Don’t wait till you retire to reward yourself with travel. That mountain is better to hike up now, not take a picture of from a tour bus.

The Palace

12. Because it will literally change your life.

Iranian Family Day out

Written by Rochelle overlanddiaries.com April 2016 Maldives

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