Made it in the Paper in India

May 13 2016

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Out of the blue and unexpected  in our Epic Journey of 2014-2015 and while  in India we made it in the news. The above article was published in the local paper after an interview we gave to a journalist that was leaving next door in the Hotel that we were camping.

After overlanding more than 3 months throughout India we found out that the country is definitely a place with a mind-stirring mix of landscapes and cultural traditions. The constant exploration,the playful unpredictability and knowing that, just when it’s least expected, you can find yourself up close with moments that have the power to alter the way you view the world is precisely what makes this country so deeply addictive. On the opposite side India has the power to push even veteran travellers find their nerves frayed at some point through their journey here. With an ability to inspire, thrill and confound all at once, adopting a ‘go with the flow’ attitude is  more than wise if you wish to retain your sanity..Our journey through this intoxicating country will for sure blaze in our memory long after we’ve left the shores of the Subcontinent.



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