Check Cuba under the Americas

May 1 2011

My pages have been updated and Cuba has been added. Sorry for not posting for a while but back here the rush that travelling gives you is gone. I’m trying to inspire myself to write but I haven’t been lucky so far. I’ve already started thinking about my next destination but I’m confused. One scenario is to travel east, back to Iran where I have left some unfinished business, then head to Pakistan, across the Karakorum Highway and enter India. From there, if I’m lucky, Voukefalas and I will get a boat back to the Gulf. The other scenario is to ship Voukefalas to Argentina and I’ll fly there myself. I’m also thinking of travelling south to Patagonia and then go back up to South Brazil through Chile. Of course all this depends on my finances and as you probably know my country’s economy isn’t doing so well right now. So I’m open to any suggestions. Please feel free to leave a comment.

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