Overlanddiaries: 2014-2015 Eurasia & Beyond the Silk Road

May 28 2014
Starting in August 2014 Rochelle and My self on board Voukefalas ,are heading out to a Great Adventure in Eurasia and beyond the Silk Road.
With starting point my home town in Mykonos we are planning to explore South Greece and  then cross to Italy.Heading north form there to Prague we have plan to travel through Eastern Europe and the countries of Slovenia, Czech Republic ,Slovakia,Hungary,Romania and Bulgaria. With Europe done we are heading to Asia and the Middle East ,crossing Turkey Georgia,Armenia,Azerbaijan,Iran,UAE and Oman.
In that point we would need to ship Vukefalas by cargo to Mumbai in India and we would  fly over to join it. In the sub continent we will  do the south part and then ship the car further to Malaysia. In southeast Asia we have plan to visit except Malaysia ,Thailand and Sumatra from Indonesia before we start heading back to North India and Nepal. From there we would cross Pakistan and re enter Iran on the same route back in Greece.The whole trip is planed to last a year.Check our trip lines in the individual separate entities that we have created,or press the play button in the map bellow and have a look.

2014-2015 Eurasia & Beyond the Silk Road


Starting in August 2014 Rochelle and My self on board Voukefalas ,are heading out to a Great Adventure in Eurasia and beyond the Silk Road.
With starting point my home town in Mykonos we are planning to explore South Greece and  then cross to Italy.Heading north form there to Prague we have plan to travel through Eastern Europe and the countries of Slovenia, Czech Republic ,Slovakia,Hungary,Romania and Bulgaria. With Europe done we are heading to Asia and the Middle East ,crossing Turkey Georgia,Armenia,Azerbaijan,Iran,UAE and Oman.
In that point we would need to ship Vukefalas by cargo to Mumbai in India and we would  fly over to join it. In the sub continent we will  do the south part and then ship the car further to Malaysia. In southeast Asia we have plan to visit except Malaysia ,Thailand and Sumatra from Indonesia before we start heading back to North India and Nepal. From there we would cross Pakistan and re enter Iran on the same route back in Greece.The whole trip is planed to last a year.Check our trip lines in the individual separate entities that we have created,or press the play button in the map bellow and have a look.


  • Georgio Paraponiaris says:

    Keep me updated on your travel locations

  • Bas Afman says:

    Awesome! Sounds like an epic journey!
    What a way to take a break, enjoy the art of travel and live life!
    Have an amazing adventure. 🙂

  • Thank for the support Diavata Forever

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