Hello Everyone
Today is my last day in Bali and I will be heading back home tonight .Personally I spend a great 8 months here in Bali but all good thing come to an end. Now leaving back Indonesia beside the fact that I met Rochelle here , our stay in Bali was an unforgetable experience .
Ahead of us ,we now have 3 months to plan our next great exibition. Rochelle has already departed and must be on her way to Athens by now .Our last days here were spent with Rochelle’s family as her younger sister was geting married in Bali. Unfortunately we were not allowed to post any pictures from their beautiful weeding as the couple wished to do it themselves . In the pictures posted though you can see Karma last panoramic views and some of the family that from now on will be our greatest fans in www.overlanddiaries.com .Special thanks to all for their support .